Import Information: Results may vary from person to person. If you feel any discomfort during treatments, stop treatment immediately. USCULPT can be used to tone the abdomen, flanks, biceps, triceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calve muscles. USCULPT cannot be performed on anyone with the following conditions: pregnancy​, cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, implanted neurostimulators, electronic implants​, pulmonary insufficiency, metal implants​, drug pumps, hemorrhagic conditions​, heart disorders, malignant tumor, cancer, fever​, metallic IUD, epilepsy. Consult with your medical provider if you have any health conditions before using USCULPT. USCULPT does not claim to treat/ cure any deficiencies, ailments, and/or muscle imbalances. USCULPT should only be used by an operate who has thoroughly evaluated the manual and understands all contradictions associate with IEP and EMS technology.